“ChloroFILL Your Thirst” — Wilting & Lines

Hydration is to LIFE as Green is to LOVE

waterAre your plants getting enough hydration? Are you drinking enough water?

I ask this question to myself daily because we all know and understand the importance of hydration. For us, and nature. In the garden, water is as essential to green life as it is to our mortal bodies. How much is really necessary to keep the living (plants or life), living? That is the question.

Some people say “drink lots of water”, but what is a lot of water and how do you know how much to drink? Well, I’ve concluded that not only is every plant different like each of us, but the equation of H2O consumption, percentage of sunlight, chemical and soil PH balance along with climate and location, are vital to my Eden.

Lines reveal signs of aging, and aging signs are directly linked hydration in the body. Plants mirror this same theory. If moist starved, it shows signs from wilting to discoloration (lightening in leaves), deformities, and oftentimes death. Yes, a human can go without water. But eventually the truth of neglect will reveal itself in the mirror.

With plants, there’s no “one size fits all” remedy. Each one is special to its own formula of care. Just like each of us. It may be as simple as a formula:

Your body weight ÷ 2 = Optimal H2O Intake

Or 1/2 of YOUR body weight in ounces. Plants have a more unique and complex formula because of species, types, color and many other factors.

There is a simple formula you can use to determine the right amount of water consumption each day.

Timing of water consumption is important to optimal hydration. Plants that require drinking water first thing in the morning is critical because during sleep it becomes dehydrated and recovers strengths. Also, this rings true for us. Drinking water first thing in the morning is the first step to optimal hydration and health. Start with 25% total water intake in the morning. So, if your water intake for the day is 100 ounces, you would consume 25 ounces in the morning; this would also apply to an optimal plant watering system for life. Any remaining water should be consumed throughout the day. For your green friends, consider weather and heat prior to their feeding.


The type of water you drink is also a vital factor toward achieving optimal hydration– for you and your greenery. Over eighty percent of our bottled waters are poorly treated and filtered tap waters. This means phosphates, nitrogen and magnesium lacking rich nutrients needed for optimal health and healthy growth.

Water from Reverse Osmosis units can be used for both your constitution, and a strong greenery result. Keep in mind the dissolved solids can be quite low, and your precious organic life may require additional nutrients for balance. A great way to remedy this situation in YOUR health regimen is to add a small pinch of Celtic Sea Salt to every liter of water. It replenishes and brings chemical balance.

Celtic Sea Salt is an organic, unrefined sea salt that has over 80 trace minerals that will help replenish the body with electrolytes. Not only does it replenish the electrolytes in the body, it relieves and prevents muscle cramps. Yes, that charlie horse would be no more. It also remedies and reduction of allergic tendencies (pollen and grass). Be cautious of excessive use due to allergic reactions with the proper amount of water consumption. (See footnote)

You see, the garden deserves the same time, dedication and care to grow the beauty of Eden, just as we do ourselves. So, ask yourself, “Do YOU get your daily ‘recommended’ amount of water consumption?” Take a sip for health!

Inspired song: “Can You Stand The Rain” (Boys to Men)
#thirst #water

1 Do not consume regular salt in the place of Celtic Sea Salt. Regular salt is just sodium chloride which can be toxic to the system when consumed alone without the other trace minerals. Drinking the proper amount and correct type of water may be the missing link to improving your health and vitality. 

Nuisance Pests: “Life, Purpose and Parallels”

Warming sun bestowed by the heavens to provide life and sustenance to our every day. While watering my cucumber today, I crossed a culprit that I’m not very fond of, and quite honestly, I credit myself in collecting it to feed to what I call my “garden food chain.” (hehe) But seriously, this little booger insect (cabbage worm) has quite the voracious appetite. It attaches itself to any part of the plant in cocoon stages, them emerges. And with its sharp pincers, gnaws leaves misshaping them down to nothing in a systematic, rhythm like a typewriter. It can decimate any crop. They attacks at all stages of its growth leaving the plant near to no ability to survive or draw its much needed nutrients for strength from the sun through its leaves. Results are devastating and oftentimes irreversible damage because it can render a plant helpless to produce little to no fruit. Leaving it both visibly unsightly and unhealthy. Insects, like people have many similarities and destructive patterns of behavior. Some relationships can be toxic to our health, rendering us fragile. Whether in unhealthy choices in our lives, cancer, friends, career, love, etc. If you’re not cautious and attentive to your life choices and garden, it can get destroyed. People can negatively pull from your positive purpose intended, therefore leaving us vulnerable, drained or unproductive in life.

The garden, just as life, reflects this same theory. It is a vulnerable place and full of nuisance pests. Whether in love, friendship, at work or on the social scene, you always have to be aware of such vulnerabilities that prey on weaknesses– an achilles heel. Determine how to keep your plants and life healthy, then start with the nutrients that build that into a strong constitution. Nurture your visions, dreams, aspirations and desires into reality. But have a checks and balance system by choosing wisely for associations and circles (i.e, plants, flowers, beneficial and companion) Make room and time for entertainment and self time (i.e, Sun). Determine reasons for why you want to plant certain seeds in your garden and life, and research their benefits for establishing a balanced environment, because the results will show themselves in truth form.

Make a wise decision in people You chose to surround yourself with. Change your mind, focus and choices into healthier ones! And enjoy the reaping of your garden and life’s benefits– Growth. I do!

Be healthy!



Giant Noble and Vine spinach sprouted after three weeks seeding.

“Divine Appointments®”

My days in the garden, I use the time to practice peace, serenity and thankfulness. Often times I experience interruption of that, just like life itself. Not perfect. My husband now refers to me as “The TamTector.” Yes, just like the Flotection Progressive commercials. HA!! Well, on this particular day, I was in the backyard and heard an unfamiliar shuffle. I’m always on the prowl for violators of our front yard, because it’s not yet protected with fencing for privacy. But this time it sounded like a an animal. Yup, it was a dog. Looking for a place of waste for his unwanted digestion. After I shewed it off into the distance, I thought to myself that it simply wasn’t enough. Mainly, because this was a pattern and happened on countless occasions prior, and we were sick and tired of cleaning up other peoples’ pet poop. So, I followed this unnamed pet without a leash or collar down the street until I realized that he was a daily wanderer. Well, frustrated still in having to chase another owners’ pet out of MY yard, I began cleaning the curbside up to the point of my home. Although I did it to release personally stirred frustrations, I still had brewing irritation beneath.
Continue reading ““Divine Appointments®””

His Eden® REflections — A REvelation

Last night was unbelievably emotional, yet also spiritually enlightening for me. My husband and I talk all the time, about hosts of topics from homemade kombucha, pizza, relationships to politics and sky diving. But something happened midstream this particular conversation. Continue reading “His Eden® REflections — A REvelation”

Fats That Drive Health Crazy!

We all know that fat consumption is a daily challenge, and battle we lose from time to time. But it’s okay– not really. That’s my fat talking. But when you’re consuming the good healthy fats (saturated fats), we tend to have a healthier outlook on life.

So, let’s talk about those unsaturated and empty calorie fats that we have a greater tendency to grab. You know which ones I’m speaking of. Or am I the only weak woman in the world when it comes to Smartfood white cheddar popcorn and Doritos? Yeah, that hurt me to the core to expel that truth. Phew! But it’s out there now.

good fatsWell, to begin this conversation, we have to first take note that a woman’s body goes through three times the changes of a man in life. And that’s only counting the first six decades of life! I mean, before 6o years of age. All that to say, a woman has a much greater risk factor for heart disease, cardiac arrest and stroke because of that. So girls, we must be delicate with our bodies, cherish them from the inside out.

First, being that our skin is the initial contact of sight, and most associated with our beauty, we must realize that in order for it to remain glowing, supple, and youthful, we must make better food choices. That being said, start reaching for the bright stuff when you shop. These items are usually full of vitamins and minerals that fuel and feed the blood through the epidermis (the skin), our largest gland.

Second, consider keeping on-hand snacks that naturally fill you up, like unsalted nuts, raisins, smoothies, fruit and natural gum, which can offer digestive aid to breakdown sugars and food for stronger gut health. As you require fuel throughout the day, you stimulate your colon for regularity, which will also eliminate old bile and excess fats. YESSSS!!! That’s up to five pounds per day ladies!

And lastly, get plenty of hydration throughout the day for elimination as well, and good rest. These things may seem to be a struggle just to think about, but take baby steps, and start with ONE. Then add another step every other day or weekly. I guarantee you’ll feel much better. Let alone, begin to look much better– to yourself.

Stay healthy with our organic sunteas that target women’s health. And get glowing skin with our indulgent organic skin scrubs.

#healthyeating #selfimage #saturatedfats #unsaturatedfats #calories #weighmanagement #colonstimulation #hydration #nightsnacking #digestiveaid
#guthealth #vitamins #minerals

Past Is Often Reflective of Growth

Is it me, or does anyone else experience thoughts, memories from past (good, bad or indifferent). Nonetheless, still extremely in the present of moments, that parallel or mark growth?

Hmmm… well, I had one of these said experiences, memories moments ago. Time: 12:07 AM (10) today. I wasn’t trying to task myself in the garden today, but I found myself catching up on some well neglected projects that I had been so meaning to DO. Being the procrastinator that I am, Continue reading “Past Is Often Reflective of Growth”

Cycles of a Seed: “Life”

Seeds give life and sown they also determine their own time on the planet. This established cycle parallels life itself. Destiny, focus, success, prosperity, winning and even failure. Oftentimes we plant unconscious or negative seeds that bear inedible and distasteful fruits. But, in life you have the chance to RE-seed your choice of predicted fruits, and take them to levels that soar.IMG_20160610_205227

Here, we’ll talk about how your garden (You), is compared to God’s Eden, with intent to bear mankind a fruit of great proportions and source of bounty, yet misguided and beguiled, lead to poor choice.

A seed can be thought of as a future, but some of us see the past, and forego the future of promise intended for them.

Layers: Life’s Seasons And Changes

Have you ever heard the wonderful silence just before the dawn? Or the quiet and calm just before or after a storm? Perhaps you know the silence when you haven’t the answer to a question you’ve been asked, or even the hush of a countryside as the tall grass is combed by the winds. trickling-rainThe whispers of tussling twigs alongside the road at night from the tire traction, or the expectant pause in a room full of people when the speaker is about give their prose. Seasons. Each one has its significance, and all very beautiful and filled with peace, if you listen with intent.Or maybe, the most significant of them all for me, the sound of the rain hitting the leaves, the ground, as the dancing gentle winds carry showers from the heavens, and birds still chirp with joy.

The layers of life and seasons throughout the year bring solace at its every ending. Then begins again a new cycle of change. The garden is filled with seasons and change also. Most times, you can actually watch it as it happens. Like a butterfly larva eating its way through the silken spun protection around it to feed on its first leaf. Or bamboo in the forrest with cracking and popping sounds as it grows with every second.

In so saying, I’ve now come upon my season’s end in the garden. Certain crops have reached their fruiting peaks. My cucumbers, tomatoes, and squash, even my melons have come to points of pause. Although sadness moves me in this moment, I must say that I truly enjoyed their flourishing stages of growth and production on multiple occasions throughout Spring to Summer’s end. Amidst the rain, heat, cool evenings, and often chilly nights, they have colored my table, pleased our guests, and excited our visitors. I couldn’t ask for more than that. Except to nourish and till the soil toward its next season, and sow more to REpeat the reaping of benefits of the land.

Inspired by: UniqueMonet heart-2

#seeds #seasonschange #layers #peacefulnature #3rdGENlove

RElax, RElate, RElease — The Big “C”

Sometimes you feel that moment in life when you need that “peace” space, and you escape by wishing you could just babble on and on and on in the presence of that psychiatrist that listens and tabulates all thoughts for you, but with strategic analytic precision. Yes, just like that episode on “A Different World”, when Whitley was weakened by a passionate night shared with old flame Dwayne Wayne while engaged to Bryon. Which resulted in her storm of overwhelming and reminiscent feelings for him, and having to discuss her denial of passion with a psychiatrist (Debbie Allen). I thought she was the big “C”– crazy. Nonetheless, it’s who we’re all vulnerable to. It was an absolutely jaw locking and funny episode. [Laugh & Share]

(Video) https://youtu.be/XIebiJ5xf8I Continue reading “RElax, RElate, RElease — The Big “C””

Forever Fruitful: “Aging — Wisdom With Tenure”

God. Foraging in the garden today, I came across a pepper that was so wrinkled it made a Sharpei look good. Ha!! I must say, I wasn’t immediately tickled. All I could think of was how did such an obvious flaw escape me, and how could I not have seen it before now. Shortly thereafter, I freaked out thinking of ridiculous reasons. An infestation, seed cancer, water poisoning, drought. Where did I go wrong? Was it the soil? Or maybe I had just forgotten about this one little vegetable, never seeing it because it wasn’t in visible sight of picking.

Well, after my frantic rage and gasping experience, I began to think more clearly. It occurred to me that I hadn’t been the one who planted it. My husband did, and forgot to put me on notice.aging

Life is often just like this. You start out with such momentum and energy at something, with all the help and support you need. Knowledge and resources to complete the task. Then the hiccup occurs. An unexpected turn of events. Family needs you or become sick, and you drop everything.

Time can easily escape our perspectives leaving us either to weak to think or strong enough to be someone else’s support. So, don’t count the lines, the setbacks, or the missteps. Embrace them. You see, they signature your importance in this life for others. You are still full of life and sharing– of Wisdom. Just like my little pepper.. in a salad.

There is a beauty with age, that can only come with Time. So grow old-ER with grace. It’s called Wisdom. #tenure #gracefulaging #seasonedknowledge #HisEden®