Fats That Drive Health Crazy!

We all know that fat consumption is a daily challenge, and battle we lose from time to time. But it’s okay– not really. That’s my fat talking. But when you’re consuming the good healthy fats (saturated fats), we tend to have a healthier outlook on life.

So, let’s talk about those unsaturated and empty calorie fats that we have a greater tendency to grab. You know which ones I’m speaking of. Or am I the only weak woman in the world when it comes to Smartfood white cheddar popcorn and Doritos? Yeah, that hurt me to the core to expel that truth. Phew! But it’s out there now.

good fatsWell, to begin this conversation, we have to first take note that a woman’s body goes through three times the changes of a man in life. And that’s only counting the first six decades of life! I mean, before 6o years of age. All that to say, a woman has a much greater risk factor for heart disease, cardiac arrest and stroke because of that. So girls, we must be delicate with our bodies, cherish them from the inside out.

First, being that our skin is the initial contact of sight, and most associated with our beauty, we must realize that in order for it to remain glowing, supple, and youthful, we must make better food choices. That being said, start reaching for the bright stuff when you shop. These items are usually full of vitamins and minerals that fuel and feed the blood through the epidermis (the skin), our largest gland.

Second, consider keeping on-hand snacks that naturally fill you up, like unsalted nuts, raisins, smoothies, fruit and natural gum, which can offer digestive aid to breakdown sugars and food for stronger gut health. As you require fuel throughout the day, you stimulate your colon for regularity, which will also eliminate old bile and excess fats. YESSSS!!! That’s up to five pounds per day ladies!

And lastly, get plenty of hydration throughout the day for elimination as well, and good rest. These things may seem to be a struggle just to think about, but take baby steps, and start with ONE. Then add another step every other day or weekly. I guarantee you’ll feel much better. Let alone, begin to look much better– to yourself.

Stay healthy with our organic sunteas that target women’s health. And get glowing skin with our indulgent organic skin scrubs.

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#guthealth #vitamins #minerals